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“My music really is an amalgamation, though it’s based in rock,” Z says. “It’s not something I do on purpose. My music is like I am—the sum product of my influences. Of course, part of the equation is what innately feels right to me, which typically starts with rhythm and grooves.”


“I plan to continue releasing singles for a while,” says Z. “I like to couple them with videos, which I have a lot of fun creating.”

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Much like his character, Z’s unorthodox fusion of styles and influences is as astounding as it confounding. Trip-hop, jazz, industrial, dance, funk, reggae, progressive rock & blues all find their way into his all-encompassing universe.


His unpredictable live shows should be experienced more than once to be fully appreciated and understood. On stage, the energy is palpable as Z and his band negotiate the stark contrasts in mood and approach, each song an ambitious statement in itself.

Camp Fire

Zeek Mitchell


Zeek Mitchell, Z’s alter ego, finds this multifaceted artist shifting effortlessly to the sort of memorable melodies, layered harmonies & studio craftsmanship that recalls ’70s greats Big Star, Elton John, David Bowie & fellow Philly artist Todd Rundgren.

So far, the result has been a series of singles, including the relentlessly catchy “Can’t Get It Right” and the socio-politcal commentary “Whose Anthem?”.

For Z, it’s always been about the music. “I’ve been a musician virtually my entire life, I started playing piano at 5, & I formed my first band at 10. That same year, I wrote my first original song.”


An accomplished keyboardist, Z was born & raised near Philadelphia, where he currently resides. A lifelong nickname became a convenient way to allay concerns about being too theatrical on stage. “I realized that I could more easily pour myself into my performances”



haZy cosmic jive

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haZy cosmic jive performs a high energy David Bowie tribute, including 70’s-Ziggy-era classics, deep cuts and more.

haZy cosmic jive also honors iconic artists influenced by and whom influenced Bowie. You will also find Z originals peppered into the shows, highlighting the influence Bowie has had on Z.

Based in Philly, where Bowie forged a career-long bond, haZy cosmic jive is led by Zeek Mitchell (Z) and a cast of premier Philly-area musicians.  Having anchored Philly Loves Bowie Week 2020, haZy cosmic jive entertains audiences at clubs, festivals, private parties, corporate & special events.  Whether you are an casual fan or even if you are just curious about the musical & cultural icon David Bowie,
haZy cosmic jive will blow you away!

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hazy cosmic jive
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